Donatien Bahuaud - (France)

Born in 1906, Donatien Bahuaud has been passionate about viticulture since early childhood. As a young man, he was then 23 years old, he founded the house “Donatien Bahuaud” and was one of the founders of the AOC “Muscadet sur Lie”. In 1957 he buys Château Cassemichère from where he specializes in the different terroirs and soils of the Loire. Everywhere he is looking for the ideal pieces of land to grow wine. He goes from Nantes, via Chinon and Saint-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil, to Pouilly Fumé, exploring almost the entire terroir of the Loire. Another thing that set him apart from most vintners was his specialization in "educating" the wine, which, according to him, makes the difference between just good and real top wine. Today, at Donatien Bahuaud, they continue to pursue the ideas and knowledge of this exceptional winemaker, benefiting from his pioneering work as the discoverer of the very best vineyards in the various appellations. His wines are therefore real gems and represent an entire wine region such as the Loire.