Our warehouse is your warehouse
Find over 1000 wines right here
Allied Vintners International (AVI) joins forces with adventurous Old and exclusive New World wineries. As your partner in wine we are proactive, search new opportunities, follow the latest wine trends and other innovations. AVI guarantees a quality of taste, creativity, style and successful sales in your market. As we work hand in hand, taste on taste with passionate winemakers, you are able to choose wines from one winery or compose your ideal selection of several wines and wineries. Therefore we enlarge volumes to ensure availability and exclusivity.
- You receive a login and see real-time stocks and your order history.
- We offer you as a partner, free FFLIP, an online omni-shop platform (FFLIP) that you can give to your local customers (restaurants, delicatessens and any resellers).
No expensive website and online costs.
Turn your local clients into your point of sale
We present you FFLIP
Free Franchise Local Internet Platform
The (R)EVOLUTION in online and traditional wine sales

FFLIP offers your local customer online access to a range of over 1000 wines.
An online purchase system
Through a personal login, your customer has direct access to purchase prices, stocks, personalized technical information and the online ordering platform. House wines and the entire wine listare now within reach with a single click and easy to order, without additional stock investment.
An online sales system
By means of a handy online till system and order platform, your local customer can sell to consumers. And he gets access to your fully equipped web shop, completely without maintenance, with a portfolio of over 1000 wines.
Serving wines with passion and earning more.
Consumers are being pampered in the new digital world. With a single glance at the screen, everyone knows where the cheapest wine can be bought. So there goes your margin. Traffic jams and lack of time, changes the consumer's behavior. Online purchases combined with local experience is becoming the new standard.
We are bringing the online sales back locally, and everyone earns. WIN WIN
By entering into a partnership, with you as a supplier, your local customer generates an additional income from (reciprocal) commissions with FFLIP.
Your customer can also sell his wines in his business and the entire range on www.thegoodwineshop.com to his consumers online.
- As a partner of Allied Vintners International you will receive a regional exclusivity of the wines you have purchased. We guarantee a well-implemented price strategy and our partners a healthy margin.
- No stock investments.
You receive a login and see real-time stocks and your order history.